MERMAID consists of a voluntary steering committee and an advisory committee with the common aim of promoting efforts to prevent cancer of the womb. .
In addition to the steering committee and the advisory committee the MERMAID Project also have the benefit of the Good Will Ambassadors.
The research is every year monitored by an independent scientific panel of experts, the monitoring committee, The Independent Audit Committee (IAC). The evaluation is based on a scientific report about the research that is formulated by the scientists leading the project.
Honorary member and co-founder of MERMAID Projektet. Hofjægermester, landowner,director.
”I lost my wife and the mother to my children to gynaecological cancer. Therefore I wished to create one of the worlds largest research programs within this area.”
Chairman of MERMAID steering committee and of the Advisory Committee. Director and advisor.
”Mermaid is a very important project, where our effort can help saving lives and ensure quality of life globally for women and families.”
Managing director and owner of a scandinavian agency business.
”My goal with helping to eliminate gynaecological cancer goes back to that day where I lost my best friend from exactly that disease”.
Professor M.D., DMSc.
The Danish Cancer Society and Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet). Co-founder of the MERMAID Project
Former Managing Director of The Danish Bankers Association and member of several Danish and international boards and committees.
“The founder of MERMAID Peter Vagn-Jensen is very close to me and so was his late wife, Lone, who died far too young. This, together with the fact that too many women is affected by different kinds of gynecological cancers diseases, means that I for personally reasons as well as for social reasons, very much want to contribute to the very important work of MERMAID.”
Professional director in both Danish and International companies.
”It feels very correct to assist in providing focus on important research.”
Gynaecologist, former administrative director of “Region Hovedstaden” and of “H:S, Hovedstadens Sygehusfællesskab”. Now director of own company.
„As a doctor I have personally experienced how difficult it can be to discover and treat ovarian cancer. Therefore it is necessary to research in gynaecological cancer, for the benefit of future patients!“
Project-coordinator. Journalist
Goodwill Ambassador for MERMAID
Goodwill Ambassador for MERMAID
“I am impressed by the research and the ground-breaking results , which will be of benefit to coming generations.”
Chairman of MERMAID steering committee and of the Advisory Committee. Director and advisor.
”Mermaid is a very important project, where our effort can help saving lives and ensure quality of life globally for women and families.”
Cand. oecon., Adviser. Partner and co-founder of Formuepleje A/S.
”I lost my wife to cancer for some years ago. Through my involvement in Mermaid I have the possibility for not only being a powerless bystander but being a part of something, which creates hope for other people.”
Boardmember of Allianz, the worlds largest assurance company, TDC og Aker. Chairman of BankNordik, The Royal Theater and Børnefonden, among others.
”Too many women dies from gynaecological cancer diseases. The MERMAID Project has shown unique results and can in the future contribute to save many lives.”
Vice President, Global in Praesidio Group, Security and intelligence services.
“I became involved in The Eve Appeal (research in UK) when living in England back in 2005. Then later in the MERMAID Project in Denmark when I became aware of the magnitude of gynecological cancer and the very significant and important international research that Denmark is contributing to. I felt it was naturally to help in such an important matter – to get gynecological cancer reduced considerably in the future.”
Bachelor of laws and company owner.
“I lost my sister-in-law to ovary cancer, and as a mother of two daughters it is very close to my heart to prevent and lower the number of people affected my gynaecological cancer. Naturally I want to contribute to the important research in the Mermaid Project to continue the positive outcomes achieved to date.”
State Authorised Public Accountant and equity partner, PwC Copenhagen
“Gynaecological cancer is like a evil snake, that sneak in on you without a sound. I experienced that in 2013, when diagnosed with cervical cancer. Luckily I was cured and I am very grateful for the treatment I got. Then I learned how important research and development of treatment methods is, so that more can be as lucky as I, if affected by gynaecological cancer.”
Professor. From 2015 President and Vice-chancellor of the University of New South Wales, Australia. Before that Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Medical & Human Sciences. Manchester. England.
Head of the Monitoring Group. Associate Professor, Consultant Gynaecoligical Oncologist, Barts Cancer Institute – Queen Mary University, London
Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Lund University. Specialist registration in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Certified Sub-specialist in Gynaecological Oncology Degrees.